Lord Krishna, worshipped in various forms embodying love, compassion, and divine grace, serves as the principal deity at the Vadavathoor Sree Krishna Swami Temple, attracting devotees seeking divine blessings and spiritual solace.

Devotees engage in rituals, prayers, and offerings, seeking the fulfillment of their wishes and spiritual aspirations in the divine presence of Lord Krishna at the Vadavathoor Sree Krishna Swami Temple.
The Temple has a number of festivals. The important ones are :
Thiru Ulsavam
The Thiru Ulsavam celebrated at Vadavathoor Sree Krishna Swami Temple during the months of Kumbham to Meenam is marked by elaborate rituals such as Thrikkodiyettu, Ulsavabali, Pallivetta, and Thiru Arattu. Devotees immerse themselves in the divine atmosphere, participating in these sacred ceremonies to seek blessings and divine grace from Lord Krishna. The culmination of the festivities with Thiru Arattu fills the devotees' hearts with spiritual joy and reverence.
Ayilya Pooja
Ayilya Pooja, observed during the month of Thulam, is a significant ritual dedicated to propitiating the Nagas or Serpent Gods. Devotees perform special prayers and offerings to seek protection from snake-related afflictions and ensure well-being for their families. The ceremony typically involves the worship of snake idols, offering of milk, flowers, and traditional sweets, and seeking blessings for prosperity and harmony.
Contact Address: Vadavathoor Sree Krishna Swami Temple, Vadavathoor, Kottayam, Kerala 686010