The primary deity of the temple is Goddess Bhagavathy, worshipped with utmost reverence and devotion. Goddess Bhagavathy is revered as the divine mother and is believed to bestow protection, prosperity, and spiritual well-being upon her devotees.

The temple priests conduct rituals and ceremonies with utmost sincerity, invoking the blessings of the deity upon the devotees.
The Temple has a number of festivals. The important ones are :
Thrikkarthika Maholsavam
Thrikkarthika Maholsavam holds profound significance at Peroor Karunallor Bhagavathy Temple in Vadakkanazhikam, Kollam, marked by elaborate rituals and fervent devotion. Devotees throng to the temple during this auspicious occasion to offer prayers, light lamps, and partake in various cultural festivities. The vibrant atmosphere, illuminated by countless lamps, symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness and fosters a sense of spiritual unity among worshippers seeking blessings from Goddess Bhagavathy.
During the Pongala festival at Peroor Karunallor Bhagavathy Temple in Vadakkanazhikam, Kollam, devotees gather in large numbers to prepare a special offering known as Pongala for Goddess Bhagavathy. This sacred ritual involves cooking rice, jaggery, and coconut in earthen pots over open fires as a symbol of devotion and gratitude. The aroma of the offerings and the heartfelt prayers of the devotees fill the air, creating a serene and spiritually uplifting atmosphere in the temple precincts.
Contact Address: Peroor Karunallor Bhagavathy Temple, Vadakkanazhikam, Kollam, Kerala