Lord Krishna is worshipped as the principal deity of the temple, depicted in various forms such as Bala Krishna , Govardhan Giridhari, and as a charioteer in the battlefield of Kurukshetra.

. Devotees visit the temple to offer prayers, perform rituals, and seek solace in the divine presence of Lord Krishna.
The Temple has a number of festivals. The important ones are :
Bhagavata Sapthaha Yanjam
The Bhagavata Sapthaha Yanjam, also known as Bhagavata Saptaaham, is a sacred event held at the Neendoor Sree Krishna Swami Temple. Lasting for seven days, this spiritual gathering involves the recitation and contemplation of the Bhagavata Purana, a revered scripture in Hinduism that narrates the divine pastimes of Lord Krishna.
Ashtami Rohini
Ashtami Rohini is a significant festival celebrated at the Neendoor Sree Krishna Swami Temple, which includes a Shobhayatra, or grand procession. The festival falls on the eighth day (Ashtami) of the lunar month of Rohini and commemorates the divine birth of Lord Krishna, an avatar of Lord Vishnu.
Contact Address: Neendoor Sree Krishna Swami Temple, Pallippad, Alappuzha, Kerala 690512